

In the process of therapy we attend to your feelings and behavior patterns and your relationships to important other people. We deal with the past as it affects the here and now. We look at the nature of early bonding experiences and their role in shaping your identity and capacity for intimacy . We pay attention attention to how you are coping with stress and depression and whether you are bothered by physical symptoms that interfere with living the life you want.

Other areas to consider to are:
  • creativity
  • resourcefulness
  • acceptance of change and loss
  • level of effectiveness in achieving satisfaction in career, values, goals
  • management of personal and relationship conflicts
  • balance between separateness and dependency
  • self-definition and the ability to set boundaries and accept boundaries of others

We'll attend to those issues that are most pressing. Depression and anxieties often stem from needs and desires that are not accepted, or may not even be acknowledged! Almost certainly, emotional problems not attended to take a toll on physical health, producing symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, low energy or loss of libido. Shaky self-worth and relationships spilling over with anger (passivity, fighting, isolating, revenge-taking) sap energy and rob life of richness and meaning.

Through therapy you can develop a more satisfying sense of self and greater freedom in relating to others.

Your concerns are carefully considered and we will choose the modality most appropriate for your needs. Through my training and experience I bring a focus on body/mind integration and interpersonal relationships. My way of working is both “psychodynamic” and cognitive; it is informed by my psychoanalytic education and training. For some people psychoanalysis may be recommended as the optimum method of treatment. For others a less frequent psychotherapy is the best choice--or the recommendation may be for couples counseling or family therapy.